Senin, 18 April 2011

My First Class

Dear Diary,
September 24th, 2007

Today I’m going to Campus, and today is my first class.. that is “Algoritma dan Pemrograman” subject was teached by Mr. Kandi. I swear Diary, I’m really really confused about the subject.. more than that, that time I really don’t know about the “Computer” . In Addition, I really don’t understand the language that they speak.. but not at all, Oh God, Help Me!! I really don’t know what to do.. just imagine Diary, the alphabet in Indonesia.. absolutely I don’t know to say.. like A call Aa than B call Bee, C called Cee.. etc… just imagine Diary, U must be like me if U became my self.. lol.. Actually, firstly, my Campus name is “AMIK PPKIA Tarakanita Rahmawati” but in 2007 became “STMIK PPKIA Tarakanita Rahmawati”. My Campus vision is “BIRU” why BIRU beause B-Bright I-Inteligent R-Regional U-Utility. By the way, my Campus also have a song.. let me sing for U.. Check it out..:-

Berdasarkan pancasila
Kami melangkah bersama
Mewujudkan cita – cita
Demi masa depan bangsa

Kami mahasiswa AMIK PPKIA Tarakanita Rahmawati
Cerdas Cemerlang serta beriman
Siap berkarya bagi pertiwi
Pelapor dunia informatika
Bangkitlah kawan ayo bersatu
Jadilah pengerak nusa

Dipondokmu tugas suci ini
Raih masa depan cemerlang
Tuhan bimbinglah perjalanan kami
Agar menjadi insan berguna

Thank U…
Huft, what do U think my voice Diary? Hehehe..

Ok Diary, C U 2morrow never die.. :D

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