Sabtu, 30 April 2011

Refreshing @Amal Beach After UAS

Dear Diary,
May 20th, 2010

Today, we have an exam, but today is my last exam. So, we planning to go Amal beach after finished our test. around 11.30 in the afternoon, my friends and I was have finished our exam. So, about  12.30 we leave from campus to Amal beach. I went there with Warni by her motorcycle. Than we arrive around  1.30 pm.. at there, we just playing at beach and taking a photo. My friends, Arni n Vivit was wet of beach.. because my friend falled them to the beach. This because to celebrate their birthday a few day ago.. that is funny Diary to see them. After playing n taking a pic, we take a rast with drink of pop ice and a little sanggar where we have buy… lol.. but, never mind, we can’t feel full too of that food.. about 3.30 pm, we go home because.. feel very tired.. but also feel happy..  I go home with Vivit.. thanks Vivit dodol… just kidding… :-D

Selasa, 26 April 2011

Celebrate My friend birthday at KFC "Vivit"

Dear Diary,
May 18th, 2010

Today, I was invited by Vivit to celebrate her birthday in at KFC. Before going to KFC, me and mega, zaitun, vivit was going to Mega house first for waiting Pingkan. While waiting Pingkan, we take a photo in Mega house yard.. hehehe.. After Pingkan was coming, we go together to KFC by leg.. lol. We go there at 12.30 in the afternoon. Around at 14.00 O’clock we go home… We feel very full and Thanx to Vivit.. wink... ;-)

Selasa, 19 April 2011

Seminar Mobile Robot Design and Microsoft 2010 at Swiss Bell Hotel

 Dear Diary,
February 05, 2010
Today I went to Swiss Bell Hotel because, there has a seminar about Mobile Robot Design. I leave from house at 07.50 am in the morning. That time, myhon was pick me with his black motorcycle. In addition, the weather in the morning was rainy.. So, Me and myhon was wet.. But, I’m not too wet than myhon.. hehehe.. feel so cold Diary… and I was… “??hmhn??”.. lol… I arrived at there around 08.00 am. After that, I must absent and come into the bellroom.. the seminar take 2 days.. So, tomorrow I will going again.. but tomorrow is about Microssoft 2010.

Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Class

Dear Diary,
February 04, 2010
Today, I’m going to campus because having a lecture.. there is RPL or Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Subject.. this subject was teached by Mr. Nurdiansyah.. U know what Diary, I really confused of this subject because the teory is too many.. Oh God!! Help me… I think this subject is defficult.. may be it is not too hard, but I think all is my fault because, I really don’t like reading.. in addition, the teory is too many… :-D but be4 our lecturer was caming, we spend the time for taking a photo.. hehehe..

Study Group

Dear Diary,
November 17, 2009

Today, Eli n I went to Mega house for doing our group assignment. The assignment is about IMK (Interaksi Manusia an Komputer) subject. The leadership is Eli.. J because she more clever than I… J After finish we does it.. we take a rest with taking a picture… loool.. as u already know Diary, we really like photograpy…. Hehehe… let me show u some of our photo…

Senin, 18 April 2011

Going To Amal Beach with Friend

Dear Diary,
February 28, 2009
Today, I went to Amal beach with my friends. This is my scound time going there. My first time going there when a new year January 01st, 2008 with Sahir n aunt H5 n her childrens. But now I want to tell U Diary, a few hour ago, I went there with my friends. After finished our lecture around 12.00 in the afternoon, We leave from kampus to Amal beach by my friend car. We arrive at there around 12.40 in the afternoon. I went there with Kinu, Arni, Mega, Eli, ?? and??. After arrived there, me n my friend go down from car n run going to beach.. that time, I don't have brought a change clothes.. but thank god,  I can borrow  Eli skirt. In addition, that time I used white jeans. So that's why Diary I don't want to used it.. :) That time, I just look my friend playing a wave.. after playing in the beach, we have bbQ Bandeng fish... hehehe...  after the fish is ready to eat, we take a lunch together with that fish. but we also have brought some meal from home such as sup kaki ayam, rice, n sambal... hehe.. after lunch, we feel very full.. but that doen't mean, we have to stop playing the wave. in fact, we continue to playing n taking a photo together. that time, we feel very happy. around 18.00
pm, we have to go home. I arrived at home about 17.00pm, even I felt very tired, but I feel very happy n enjoy that time... :-D U want to see our photo Diary?? Here it is…

BCE.Com Going To Amal Beach

Dear Diary,
May 05, 2008
I just want to tell U Diary, in Campus I has join two organization…. There is BCE.Com or Blue Campus English Community and HMI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam). One day, BCE.Com was planing to go to  Amal beach for studying and refreshing on May 04, 2008 Sunday. We went there by Mr. Sigit Car. We leave from campus around 09.00 am and arrive about at 10.00 O’Clock. That time, about 16 member, 9 boys and 7 girls. There, we have a few activity such as conversation, playing a game, take a picture and than lunch time.. hohoho.. that time, we ate “Nasi Lalap” lho… hehehe… U want to see some of our photo?? Here it is… but don’t be lough Diary, because that time our pic a little bit ugly… I mean, Jadul.. lol..

My First Class

Dear Diary,
September 24th, 2007

Today I’m going to Campus, and today is my first class.. that is “Algoritma dan Pemrograman” subject was teached by Mr. Kandi. I swear Diary, I’m really really confused about the subject.. more than that, that time I really don’t know about the “Computer” . In Addition, I really don’t understand the language that they speak.. but not at all, Oh God, Help Me!! I really don’t know what to do.. just imagine Diary, the alphabet in Indonesia.. absolutely I don’t know to say.. like A call Aa than B call Bee, C called Cee.. etc… just imagine Diary, U must be like me if U became my self.. lol.. Actually, firstly, my Campus name is “AMIK PPKIA Tarakanita Rahmawati” but in 2007 became “STMIK PPKIA Tarakanita Rahmawati”. My Campus vision is “BIRU” why BIRU beause B-Bright I-Inteligent R-Regional U-Utility. By the way, my Campus also have a song.. let me sing for U.. Check it out..:-

Berdasarkan pancasila
Kami melangkah bersama
Mewujudkan cita – cita
Demi masa depan bangsa

Kami mahasiswa AMIK PPKIA Tarakanita Rahmawati
Cerdas Cemerlang serta beriman
Siap berkarya bagi pertiwi
Pelapor dunia informatika
Bangkitlah kawan ayo bersatu
Jadilah pengerak nusa

Dipondokmu tugas suci ini
Raih masa depan cemerlang
Tuhan bimbinglah perjalanan kami
Agar menjadi insan berguna

Thank U…
Huft, what do U think my voice Diary? Hehehe..

Ok Diary, C U 2morrow never die.. :D

My First Time Table

Dear Diary..
September 17, 2007
After finishing my Remiadiasi, I has a holidays about 2 weeks ago, than Today I’m going to Campus for planing my timetable or call KRS “ Kartu Rencana Studi” that time I do not have a friend, So… that day I use a “Sandal”.. That time, many student look at me, I feel very shy.. because I don’t know the rule Diary.. nobody told me that we can not use “Sandal” and must use a Shoes.. :’( but never mind, I don’t care.. even they wanna lough me, just go ahead… lol.. By the way, U want to know my first time table Diary? Here it is…. :

Mon : Algoritma & Pemrograman 11.00 – 12. 30 Lab A (Bpk Kandi S, Kom)
Tue : Pengantar Teknologi Informasi 11.00 – 12. 30  Kelas D ( Bpk Muhammad S. Kom)
Wed : Pendidikan Agama 08.00 – 09.30 Kelas D ( Bpk Aziz)
Thu : Kalkulus 1 09.30 – 11.00 Kelas C ( Alm Bpk Safari)
Fri : Logika & Algoritma 09.30 – 11.00 Kelas C (Bpk Tahir)
Sat : Manajemen Umum 08.00 – 09.30 Kelas B (Bpk Obert)

Okay Diary, got to go.. Bubye… see yeah….

Remediasi "2007"

Dear Diary,
September 06, 2007  untill August 08, 2007
Today I was has a Remediasi PPKIA 2007 or called “OSPEK”.. Oh my God Diary!  I really don’t understand all about it. at 6.00 am I leave from my home to Campus and finished at 6.00pm. The OSPEK held about 3 days. Sometime I’m late going to the Campus, than they give me a punish, I’m really shy Diary.. All the days, I feel very tired Diary. :’( but the last day, I feel very happy.. because we have fun together. And U know what Diary, Our group has sing song the title is “Kampus Biru” the song copy by Peterpan song. U want to know the diary?? Okay, let me show U the lyric.. :-)

Terus melangkah menuju kampus
Bila mata yang slalu mengantuk
Salah satu kesalahan menjemput
Hukuman tetap terus berjalan

Belahan hari terasa merajuk
Ku coba untuk terus merunduk
Belahan hati tetap mematuhi
Ingin ku coba untuk lulus

Kampus biru pilahan aku
Harus menuju tantangan dulu
Ku coba untuk mematuhi
Biar diri ini menjadi bagus

Hiduplah mahasiswa..
PPKIA Pilihan aku….

So, what gitchu lho..
Hidup Pentium 3 Yes hidup mahasiswa…

Lyric song by :

Me, Ika Mila Kristina, Fitria, Zuliana Lestari, Dewi Fatmawati, Nurhayati, Diana, Sitti Haraidah, Fahrudin Fahmi, Hariyanto,Budiman, Mariana, Pingkan Lili, Saida Nur and Dede..  (And We are Group 3)

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